Integrating Enterprise SSO with Cognito

If you’re already using Cognito for authentication, but now need to support SAML or Enterprise-level Single Sign-On (SSO), this guide is for you! If you haven't already, make sure to check out our guide on getting your project ready for Enterprise SSO.

Cognito Configuration

Now that we have everything prepared on the PropelAuth side, let's add a provider to your Cognito account. This provider will then allow us to create a "Login With Enterprise SSO" button to your login page.

Create a New User Pool

Head over to your Cognito account and click on Create user pool. On the next menu, select Federated identity providers as the Provider Type.

Under Cognito user pool sign-in options select Email.

Towards the bottom of the page under Federated sign-in Options select OpenID Connect (OIDC).

Creating a new user pool

Continue configuring the user pool settings as you'd like until you reach the Connect federated identity providers page. If you're using Cognito's hosted pages, the Provider Name is what your users will see when logging in. Because of this, you might want to name it something like Enterprise Login.

You can find the Client ID and Client Secret by heading over to the Frontend Integration page, clicking on Advanced Settings followed by Edit OAuth Config. Here, we can generate a Client ID and Client Secret. We'll soon come back here to enter a Redirect URI.

OAuth Settings

In the Authorized Scopes section type openid profile email.

Entering clientId and clientsecret

In the Retrieve OIDC endpoints section, select Manual input. We'll then be prompted to populate five fields. Each URL will start with your Issuer URL, which can be found in the Backend Integration page in your PropelAuth dashboard.

  1. Issuer URL: {YOUR_ISSUER_URL}
  2. Authorization endpoint: {YOUR_ISSUER_URL}/propelauth/oauth/authorize
  3. Token endpoint: {YOUR_ISSUER_URL}/propelauth/oauth/token
  4. UserInfo endpoint: {YOUR_ISSUER_URL}/propelauth/oauth/userinfo
  5. Jwks_uri endpoint: {YOUR_ISSUER_URL}/.well-known/jwks.json

Endpoints and attribute mappings

When mapping attributes, make sure to match the user pool attribute email field to email in the Open ID Connect attribute section. You can also map other attributes as you'd like. For example, we recommend creating a custom attribute called orgs where you can store your org and role information, like so:

Mapping attributes

Refer to the example user object below for guidance:

  "can_create_orgs": false,
  "created_at": 1711127287,
  "email": "",
  "email_confirmed": true,
  "enabled": true,
  "first_name": "Anthony",
  "has_password": true,
  "last_active_at": 1712328977,
  "last_name": "Edwards",
  "locked": false,
  "metadata": null,
  "mfa_enabled": false,
  "org_id_to_org_info": {
      "35905720-f22a-4f36-b082-7f35bb32463f": {
          "org_id": "35905720-f22a-4f36-b082-7f35bb32463f",
          "org_name": "PropelAuth",
          "url_safe_org_name": "propelauth",
          "user_role": "Owner",
          "inherited_user_roles_plus_current_role": [
          "org_metadata": {},
          "user_permissions": [
  "picture_url": "",
  "properties": {
    "favoriteSport": "Basketball"
  "sub": "0497bbe6-49c1-4bc7-9e9c-c75846722c73",
  "update_password_required": false,
  "user_id": "0497bbe6-49c1-4bc7-9e9c-c75846722c73"

On the next page under the Initial app client section, select Other and set a callback URL to your app.

Setting a callback URL

Expand the Advanced app client settings and make sure the OpenID Connect scopes are set to OpenId, Email, and Profile.

Setting a callback URL

Once you're done creating the user pool, click on the App integration tab to get your Cognito Domain. We'll use this + /oauth2/idpresponse as a Redirect URI in your Edit OAuth Config page in PropelAuth. For example, if your Cognito Domain is, then we'll enter:

in PropelAuth as a Redirect URI.

Setting a Redirect URL


There are a lot of different ways to integrate with Cognito. We'll walk through a version where we create a new button in your custom login page. However, if you use Cognito's hosted UI, you should now see a button like so:

Setting a Redirect URL

Creating a Sign in Page

If you're not using Cognito's hosted pages, you can create a button that redirects the user straight to PropelAuth's SAML login flow. The URL will use the Cognito Domain from the previous step as well as your App Client's Client ID found in Cognito.


Whether the user clicks this button or navigates to PropelAuth from the Cognito hosted page, they'll see the following:

PropelAuth login

If they enter an email that has a domain linked to an org with SAML enabled, they'll automatically be redirected to login via their IdP. Once they complete the login process, they'll be redirected to your app with a code query parameter, like so:


You can then exchange that code for a Cognito Access Token via the Token Endpoint. Here's an example:

curl --location '{YOUR_COGNITO_DOMAIN}/oauth2/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'redirect_uri={YOUR_CALLBACK_URL}' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=authorization_code' \
--data-urlencode 'code={CODE_FROM_QUERY_PARAMETER}' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id={YOUR_APP_CLIENT_CLIENT_ID}'

This will then return an access_token which you can use to get the user's information, such as the userInfo endpoint which will contain the user and org information we mapped in Cognito.

And that’s it! Your users can now:

  • Setup SAML
  • Login via SAML
  • Show up with org details, roles, and user properties when they login

You’re now all set and ready to managing your users with Enterprise SSO!